Monday, December 10, 2007 at 7:23 PM |
Last Saturday, I received the news that the room for me is finally ready for occupancy. I contacted my soon-to-be roommates and neighbors; some are Kabayans. The supposedly goods news for me turned into a bad or should I say a worst one. After several inquiries, I found out that I would be sharing the room with five other individuals including one Kabayan. I immediately went to my room-to-be and checked it out. I found out that the room is smaller than the room where I am staying and has three double-deck beds. What makes the news even worst is the fact that I am sharing the room with one of the worst employee of my amo. Then, I made up my mind not to transfer anymore.

I called the manager and raised my concerns. He enumerated the advantages of the new room. Yes, he is right. The condition of the new room is far better than the room where I stay now. My issue is not only about the sanitation and about condition of the room. I cannot share a bedroom with somebody who I do not trust and do not like. I am not fond of pretending to like somebody else but deep inside me, I want to kill the person. That is bullshit! Besides, knowing the persons who will be using the room, I bet it will turn into a jungle in few weeks time. Most of them seldom take a bath and change their clothing. Yuck. Call me racist and discriminatory but man; I want a private sanctuary where at least I can have some clean air!

I am supposed to stay in a single bedroom as stated in my contract not in single bed in a bedroom sharing with five other persons. I told the manager that I am not moving to the new room. Instead, I will share an old room with two other Kabayans inside the private villa. Though not new, I know that my stay there will be far worth than sharing the room with a devil and some others that stink!
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