Tuesday, September 25, 2007 at 8:07 PM |
It is a nice thought that during those nights that you cannot sleep, you might be awake in someone else’s dreams. Or maybe someone is thinking about you. I can accept these thoughts, but for the past several weeks, I cannot sleep decently and I am sure the reason is neither of the two thoughts.

Since I came here, I stayed in a decent room with three double-deck beds. I shared the room with three other Pinoys from Housekeeping Department. Occasionally, some Pinoys would sleep over in our room during their respective days off. I cannot remember myself having any problems with sleeping. I can sleep inside a moving bus, a moving jeepney, MRT or LRT, ferry ships, movie house or even sitting in line. My friends can attest to that!

My problem now is I cannot sleep in my bed decently. I soon found out the reason why. It was so horrific to discover how bedbug-infested the bed I am using. I can feel the itchiness all over me. Yuck!

My roommates and I immediately placed the mattress under the brutal heat of the sun. They soon found out that their respective beds are bedbug-infested too. I suggested removing the carpet inside our room and then we all clean it. Unfortunately, our different schedules did not allow us to do so. I reported the incident to the office and the housekeeping department. Both parties did not seem to care.

I sent an email to the manager. I visited the housekeeping office as often as I can until they sent me a new mattress. Yes, they gave a new one. They also gave those fucking blood-sucking bedbugs a new mattress to infest! Maybe I should learn to deal with those parasites or patiently wait for them to attack so I can catch them and burn them to death using all the lighters I have.

Oh shit! It‘s 5 am, I have to sleep now.
Posted by rehabman Labels:


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